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CZP obtains Gender Equality certification

Rome, 20 May 2024 – Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co., leading company in public affairs services and part of Excellera Advisory Group, has obtained the Certification for Gender Equality according to the international standard UNI/PDR 125:2022, thanks to its policies aimed at promoting gender equality inside and outside the organization.

The certification was awarded at the end of an evaluation process conducted by Bureau Veritas, a world leader in inspection, conformity verification and certification services. Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co was supported by HSEGAS for the achievement of the key indicators of this process, which concern: culture and strategy, governance, HR processes, growth opportunities and inclusion of women in the company, remuneration equity, parental protection and work-life balance.

The company founded and led by Alberto Cattaneo, Claudia Pomposo and Paolo Zanetto has achieved the required targets while also being able to count on 54% of women in the workforce and 48% of women in managerial positions. Furthermore, in the last year alone, 70% of women have had a promotion. Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co. has simultaneously established a Steering Committee, which will have the task of managing issues relating to gender equality, and appointed a Manager who will monitor the effectiveness of the management system. With a view to continuous improvement, a strategic plan was then developed which includes, among the various actions, training sessions aimed at all employees to enhance differences, gender equality and inclusion.

“We are proud to have obtained the certification for Gender Equality, a path undertaken to reiterate a commitment that we have always felt is very strong and which starts from afar. Since its foundation, in fact, Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co. has been based on people, on their professional skills and on transparency, values that we never wanted to give up, which we found in Excellera, and which today are even more the compass that guides our profession and the development of our business. We have always thought that the basis of our success should be the recognition of merit and the possibility of expressing one’s talents and passions regardless of gender; this new goal that we reach today, together with all our people, is the confirmation of a long-term sustainability strategy that will continue to mark our history.”, declared Alberto Cattaneo, Claudia Pomposo and Paolo Zanetto.

Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. changes its name and becomes Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co.

Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co.

Rome, October 30, 2023 – Cattaneo Zanetto & Co., a leading company in public affairs services and part of Excellera Advisory Group, announces the change of its name to Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co. Along with the new naming, the rebranding operation is also launched, with a renewed logo that includes the names of the three partners.

Indeed, Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co., founded in 2005 thanks to the entrepreneurial intuition of founding partners Alberto Cattaneo and Paolo Zanetto, has rapidly grown, structuring itself managerially from the early years and seeing the entry of Claudia Pomposo into the shareholder base in 2010. Claudia Pomposo is a partner of Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co. where she has been working since the opening of the Rome office in 2007, contributing to the start of new practices and also overseeing the development of the Brussels office over the years. She also collaborates on government affairs and institutional relations topics with various Italian universities and research centers.

The choice of the new name fully reflects Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co. and its governance; a company that is built on people and a strong identity, that has been able to evolve and simultaneously drive growth in the entire sector in terms of size, professional skills and transparency. The growth journey has led Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co. to take another step by forging ahead in 2022, together with Community and backed by Xenon Private Equity, and establishing Excellera Advisory Group which, with over 28 million euros in turnover and more than 300 clients, is today the largest Italian consultancy firm in public affairs and reputation management.

Alberto Cattaneo, Claudia Pomposo and Paolo Zanetto from Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co. stated: “We are proud to present our new brand “Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co.”, a way to tell who we are today through our story: a company made up of people distinguished by their pursuit of excellence and commitment to clients. We look to the future with the same ambition and perseverance that have led us to be the leading lobbying and government affairs company in Italy, pursuing the goal of continuing on our growth path, even in international markets.

Excellera Advisory Group, first consolidated financial statement shows revenues of €25.5m

Excellera Advisory Group, the new Italian group specializing in government affairs and reputation management consulting, born from the merger between Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. and Community, has approved its first consolidated financial statement.

The Group’s revenue for 2022 was €25.5 million, with a team of 140 professionals spread across offices in Rome, Milan, Treviso, and Brussels, and served more than 300 clients. These are the figures of the new holding company, established in October 2022, with the strategic and financial support of Xenon Private Equity, positioning itself at the forefront of the industry in Italy. The first three months of 2023 already show an 8% growth compared to the previous year; the objective is to continue along this path, also thanks to new acquisitions that will allow the Group to compete, as a leader, in Europe.

Gianfranco Piras, Chairman of Excellera Advisory Group: “The first quarter of Excellera confirms the soundness of our choice. We strongly believe in this operation not only because the companies involved are national champions in their respective sectors, but mainly because this has allowed Xenon to be the first equity fund to invest in corporate affairs in Italy. We are already in the lead, but our goal, the one we are all diligently working towards, is to grow a national player that is unprecedented in terms of size and value of the actors involved.”

For Alberto Cattaneo, Claudia Pomposo and Paolo Zanetto of Cattaneo Zanetto & Co.: “The first months of Excellera’s life are already telling us the value of the project and all the people contributing to its success. With the birth of the Group, we decided to provide clients with a team of consultants who can guide them in contiguous fields and increasingly compete on the international markets. The goal today is to make Excellera a real platform on which to build excellence in the sector, both in Italy and abroad, by bringing together other advisory champions.”

Auro Palomba, CEO of Community: “We are very pleased with the initial results achieved by the Group. When we joined forces with Cattaneo Zanetto & Co., the goal was to offer clients an even more complete and structured service in the management of communication strategies, reputation, and relations with institutions and politics. The synergies activated in these months have already borne fruit; Excellera is growing, and our professionals are acquiring a greater cross-disciplinary skillset to better address any situation, both from a media communication and institutional relations perspective.”

What influences the influencers? News outlets in the new Italian Parliament

Which news sources are more used by Italian policy-makers? Which are the most trusted media outlets by the new MPs? Which social media are most used, by themselves of by their staffers?

Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. and YouTrend/Quorum have realized the first research in Italy about the preferred news sources in the new Parliament, about the most used media outlets and social media by the legislators.

For more information: the key findings of the research (in Italian) and an analysis by ANSA (in English).

Excellera Advisory Group is born

Community, Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. and Xenon Private Equity join forces to create the holding company Excellera Advisory Group.

With more than €25 mln in turnover and more than 300 customers, Excellera Advisory Group becomes the largest Italian consulting group in Government affairs and Reputation management. The two brands remain independent.

Excellera Advisory Group guarantees a unique access to integrated services, talents, and skills. It will be a platform for the aggregation of further professional firms, in Italy and in Europe.

Milan and Rome 17th November 2022 – Cattaneo Zanetto & Co., a leader in Government affairs services, and Community, a leading firm in Communications and Reputation management services, today announced that they have joined forces to create the holding company Excellera Advisory Group.

The name chosen for the new company, Excellera, best represents the DNA of the two firms, inspired by the highest standards of excellence, combined with the ambition to accelerate together with its customers in dealing with critical moments, challenges or opportunities, in the financial, political and social arena. The two brands remain independent, keeping the current governance.

The deal brings to Italy for the first time the global best practice model of the sector: thanks to the financial and strategic support of Xenon Private Equity, this agreement is in fact the first step towards the creation of a wider aggregation of professional firms to compete, as a leader, also in Europe.

Excellera Advisory Group will have an aggregate turnover of over 25 million euros in 2022, positioning it at the top of the sector in Italy, and a staff of 140 professionals in the offices in Rome, Milan, Treviso and Brussels. Today, the Group serves more than 300 customers, including national and global leaders in key sectors: financial services, industrial goods, energy, healthcare, infrastructures, telecommunications and media, retail, platform economy, as well as non-profits, public bodies, trade associations.

Alberto Cattaneo, Claudia Pomposo and Paolo Zanetto for Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. will reinvest equally in the holding company and will retain their positions in the firm. Auro Palomba will remain CEO of Community and, together with Giuliano Pasini, Roberto Patriarca, Marco Rubino, Giovanna Benvenuti and Pasquo Cicchini, collected in the company Always On, will reinvest in the holding.

Auro Palomba, CEO of Community: “In over twenty years of life, Community has always stood out for being a pioneer in the sector, and this has allowed us to achieve the leadership in Italy in communications and reputation management. With this deal we bring to Italy a model that will provide us with the financial and industrial support to keep on growing and to acquire other firms domestically and abroad. With Cattaneo Zanetto & Co., whose founding values of independence, transparency and professional ethics we share, we bring to life a true national champion able of interpreting the Clients’ needs, offering strategic vision and operational support in the relationship with all the key stakeholders in the market.”

For Alberto Cattaneo, Claudia Pomposo and Paolo Zanetto, CEO of Cattaneo Zanetto & Co.: “Throughout the years we have established ourselves as the leading Lobbying and Government affairs firm in Italy, proudly contributing to the growth of the entire sector in size, professional skills and transparency. Thanks to the trust of our Clients, we have first built a successful case history, then attracted the attention of important financial and banking investors, so now we can face the new challenge of creating a national champion capable of competing also on international markets. The birth of Excellera Advisory Group renews this pact of trust with our Clients, providing them with new services, new skills and guaranteeing, together with Community, the ambition to excellence which has always been our signature style.”

Franco Prestigiacomo, CEO of Xenon: “Our trait is to be financial investors with a strong focus on industrial issues that accompany entrepreneurs to build national champions in fragmented sectors. All over the world, the main Government and Reputation affairs firms have received investments by funds that support their growth also through acquisitions. We started from the two best Italian firms in each one’s sectors, Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. and Community: Excellera will be a platform on which we will build an excellence in the sector, in Italy and abroad, adding other advisory champions”.

The Xenon team that worked on the deal includes Gianfranco Piras, who will become Chairman of Excellera, Giorgio Pastorelli and Francesco Banfi.

The deal was financed by Banco BPM, Banca IFIS and Banca Sella. The legal advisors were BonelliErede, Pavia e Ansaldo, PwC TLS and Pierfrancesco Bencivenga; Deloitte, Marco Rovello of FMR and PwC acted as financial advisors.