Our Charter of Values

1. Clients

Defending the interests of our Clients is our mission. The experience proves that the success of our firm depends on our Clients’ satisfaction.

2. Ethics, transparency

Transparency, integrity and intellectual rigor are the bases of our profession. We respect the highest ethical principles — and we have the ambition to be the benchmark for the whole sector. The key to defend our professional success is in our ability to live by the highest standards and to make transparent each of our activities.

3. Relationship with clients

We build strong and long-lasting relationships with our Clients based on trust, esteem and the results of our professional action. Our Client’s problem is our own problem. Deserving our Clients’ trust is the greatest prize for a professional. We feed our relationship with Clients through new ideas and contents.

4. Innovation

We promote innovation with our Clients. We work hard to anticipate the needs of our Clients, and to develop new models and processes to match these needs. It is a reason of pride to be among the pioneers of those new approaches which will become standard in the future of our profession.

5. Pride in the quality of our work

Our pride is in the quality of our professional work, and in the continuous quest for professional excellence. We aim at excellence in all our engagement with Clients. We won’t settle for anything less. Should we ever need to choose between quality and quantity of our projects, we will choose to be the best rather than the biggest.

6. Contents, not relationship

A professional invests everything in her culture. Our culture, our experience and our technical skills are what make us special. Quite the opposite of what they say, it’s not “who you know” — it’s “what you know”.

7. Fighting for the client, commitment

Like a lawyer, we want to represent our Client’s interests within the limits set by law and by ethics. Our professionals’ commitment towards the engagement we take with our Clients is a fundamental value. We believe it represents a key element of our success.

8. Confidentiality of client information

It is in the nature of our work to receive confidential information from our Clients. Respecting the full confidentiality of such information is a must.

9. Indipendence of judgment

Our independence of judgment is one of the core elements that our Client expects from us. Answering in the right way to the wrong question is a big mistake. We have the obligation to have an autonomous view of the reality, and to dissent with the Client when necessary.

10. Meritocracy, growth opportunity

In a professional service firm the only capital are its people. We seek only the best people for our job, and we know we need to give them the opportunity to grow quickly if they will show they have what it takes, and to comply with our fundamental values. We commit to grow together by training each other, playing a role model for colleagues and team spirit.

Anti-bribery model and compliance

Engaging with the stakeholders with transparency, ethics and integrity is part of our DNA.

Please check our Code of Ethics and all the information on our anti-bribery model and independent surveillance body on compliance.