Paolo Zanetto

Founding Partner

Paolo heads the Industrial and Tech|Media|Telecommunication practices at Cattaneo Zanetto & Co.

Before joining the Public Affairs industry, Paolo has been in the Italian government service for 10 years, as a policy adviser in Italian and European institutions, and later on as ministerial aide in the Italian cabinet.

He has published a handbook on political marketing (“(E)lezioni di successo”, Rizzoli-Etas, 2003) and a handbook on public affairs (“Fare lobby”, Rizzoli-Etas, 2007) together with Alberto Cattaneo. He has also published a book on the EU Microsoft antitrust case (“Il caso Microsoft e il futuro della concorrenza in Europa”, Rubbettino, 2005).

Paolo is a fellow of Istituto Bruno Leoni, a think-tank specialized on competition issues. He’s the former coordinator of the Public Affairs committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy. Between 2012-2017 he sat on the board of Dogan Burda (leading Turkish media company) as non-executive director.

He studied Business administration at Bocconi University and completed executive education programs at Yale School of Management and Harvard Law School.


paolo.zanetto (at)

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