Bocconi School of Management Seminar on Government relations and Lobbying in Rome

Bocconi School of Management with the support of Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. is organizing a new edition of the executive seminar “Government relations, Public affairs and Lobbying” on Wednesday, 3 October 2018 at Palazzo Patrizi in Rome.

The seminar is aimed at executives of companies and associations (chairmen, C-suite executives, board members) and to their supporting staff in charge of Government affairs, Regulatory affairs, Legal affairs, Corporate communication and External relations. The seminar is also aimed at founders of startups who consider innovation in an obsolete regulatory framework a key competitive advantage.

The seminar’s faculty is composed by Luca Brusati, senior professor at Bocconi School of Management, and Paolo Zanetto, founding partner of Cattaneo Zanetto & Co.


What influences the influencers? Italian MPs and news sources

Which news sources are more used by Italian policy-makers? Which are the most trusted media outlets by the new MPs? Which social media are most used, by themselves of by their staffers?

Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. and YouTrend/Quorum have realized the first research in Italy about the preferred news sources in the new Parliament, about the most used media outlets and social media by the legislators.

The research is based on 94 direct interviews with deputati and senators, fully representing the new Parliament by sex, constituency, age, political party and chamber of election.

For more information: the key findings of the research (in Italian) and an analysis by Sole 24 Ore (in Italian).